

I work as a Cyber Security Consultant and am passionate about cybersecurity, GNU/Linux, and open source technologies. I’ve been using Debian as my primary operating system since 2013. I’m also a fan of “Evangelion” and “My Hero Academia”. Additionally, I am a huge admirer of the GOAT, Cristiano Ronaldo.

Learn hacking through the underground forum HN Community, which is the largest Indonesian hacker newbie community.

Professional Certification

  • OffSec Certified Professional (OSCP)
  • Certified Red Team Professional (CRTP)
  • Practical Network Penetration Tester (PNPT)
  • Certified Professional Penetration Tester (eCPPT)
  • Certified Red Team Operator (CRTO)
  • Web Application Penetration Tester Extreme (eWPTX)
  • Certified AppSec Practitioner (CAP)
  • Certified Red Team Analyst (CRTA)


Since almost all of the skills I possess were self-taught, I also have to actively participate in internet forums to continue to grow. Currently, I am active in the IndoXploit and ZeroByte.ID communities.

I also write articles about Cybersecurity, GNU/Linux, and Open source on LinuxSec and Medium.

Cybersecurity Playground

For brainstorming, amidst my busy schedule of performing application pentest for clients, I work on some machines on HackTheBox and also on TryHackMe.

Open Source Project

I contribute to the Open Source world, particularly in the scope of Cybersecurity. Some projects that I have created or documented can be accessed on my Github.

Here are some of my projects:

Name Description Language
PAMnotify Telegram Notifier via PAM Sessions Bash
TLDHunt Domain Availability Checker Bash
reverseip_py Domain Parser for Reverse IP Lookup Python
scscanner_py Massive HTTP Status Code Scanner Python

CVE Project

I also contribute to secure open-source projects by reporting vulnerability that I find and identifying them with CVE ID. For some of the CVEs that I have discovered, you can see them on this blog post under the CVE page.

Let’s Work Together

Do you have a project in mind? Contact me at